
Tuesday, 25 February 2014


                             OF VALENTINE AND ITS CONTROVERSIES 

Happy valentine’ she echoed from a distance with a broad and charming smile, expecting to get an equivalent response from me, but she received the shock of the century as my response sent her smiles back to the part of her body they originated from. Her hands were not spared from the new and sudden rhythm her brain just learnt, as they were raised up speedily to wave but went down instantaneously; of course not with the same velocity with which it went up, this time a lot slower. Shocked! Was an understatement to describe the state of her stale mind, as she could not decipher why on earth a ‘social’ guy like me would answer her in such a reflective manner as if I had rehearsed the occurring scenario previous night. ‘I don’t celebrate valentine’ ranged on her ears like an old village gong. Was I trying to escape from my financial obligations to ladies during this celebration? Would be the question on her mind, but she would quickly knock that out as that was too cheap an excuse for a guy of my caliber. She drew anxiously to know the reason for my newly found principle; of course, after narrating to her, she replied in indifference and left. Just then I thought some persons don’t care about what they do or what goes on around them; they just follow the multitude and play along; sheer Indifference!
 Not long after, I walked into the class room. As if I was in the shrine of a goddess, all were dressed in red or their clothes had a drip of red color in it. I moved closer to know the reason for their newly found dress code, (although I knew it had a connection with valentine) only to be told by a fairly beautiful damsel that “today is Valentine’s Day and a day of love, hence we are all putting on red because the color of love is red”, her statement made me dazzled for a quarter second, and it triggered my urination reflex, before I could give her a reply that would trigger a worse response than the girl in the first paragraph, she had gone to embrace a friend who was still dressed on a red top.

Then I remembered the bible quote that says “my people perish because of lack of knowledge”.
If love were to be in colors it wouldn’t be in red! White would still be preferable. If red is the color of love then what color would be its opposite, hate! Why would red stand for stop in the traffic light (something that depicts stagnancy), danger in road signs and love in social life? It simply does not follow.

For the ladies, I don’t know how you would feel, if someone appears in your dream dressed in a red gown and then gives you a wedding ring that is colored red. I believe that when you wake up, your prayer would be like “every papiwater spirit in my life must die”. Let us not hide under a tree and call it a house. Red is red and it means danger. Something must have made it gotten that color; let us find out!
Critically analyzing why the so called Valentine’s date is associated with celebration; there are a thousand and one reasons to classify this said date with the day of hatred, anarchy, tears, and immoral unbalances were innocent girls get heartbreak and guys do a whole lot to please their girlfriends committing all sorts of moral grievances. It is often said that commonly committed errors would at a time become a tradition. This is practically evident with this particular date of February 14 also known as Valentines Day. Not minding the ‘pharisaical’ love feast organized by fellowships which is a subtle means to induce compliance among those lust lovers!
Etymologically, the day is supposed to signify love but it is rather filled with hatred, lust and other unimaginable activities that are cancerous to our moral and academic life. The day valentine with all its evil and sexual immorality associated with it, has maimed, killed and buried those who refuse to thread the path of wisdom, spilling the blood of its victim, hence a credible reason for its red color.
The day is one of the most controversial dates as classified in from which I quote “the confusion over its origins led the catholic church in 1969, to drop St Valentine’s Day from the Roman calendar of official worldwide catholic feasts”. Various episodes of the origin of the celebration abound some of which are; ONE; a priest in the roman empire who persecuted Christians during the reign of Claudius 11, was thrown in jail and later beheaded on February 14; TWO; a catholic bishop of Terni who was beheaded, also during the reign of Claudius 11; THREE; someone who secretly married couples when marriage was forbidden, or suffered in Africa, or wrote letters to his jailer daughter, and was probably beheaded. The question now is; who among these legends are you celebrating?
Assigning a day for love is hypocritical. Live love daily and you would love to live. Simple!


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