Are they medical doctors or murderers?

He was then taken to the university Health Centre. Unfortunately, he gave up the ghost on the way. What a way not to die! What is the meaning of wickedness? How else can the brutality of mankind be felt?
Just because of pride and administrative recklessness, innocent lives are being lost. The President is fighting tooth and nail to end terrorism and Ebola. Now, NMA is pursing another agenda.
It was in grief that I wrote this piece about the ongoing doctors’ strike. If I had not lost a colleague, maybe I would not have given this article a thought.
A philosopher had once advocated death for all men as solution to the mischief they have caused to the world. In his time, corruption was a norm and a way of life. In his own reasoning, he prescribed death as the solution to the trouble he faced.
But it was evident that his solution was synonymous to the cynical attitude of the ostrich who buries his head below the sand in the site of trouble, while its other parts were exposed. This is the part that our Nigerian medical doctors have chosen to plough. The moment they really need their head to think, it is buried!
Doctors, who swore to the Hippocratic Oath to save lives, are the ones snuffing life out of the people through their self-serving strike. Just at the time the nation needs them the most, the doctors turn their back. Threatened by terrorism and the gruesome Ebola, the medical doctors are sitting in their houses while scores are dying. This is exactly what an illiterate man would do and will be termed a murderer. The so-called elite doctors, under the guise of NMA, are doing the same thing, with full immunity. They are well exercising their right to murder!
Since when did the NMA start passing by-laws for para-medical profession, such as Pharmacist Council of Nigeria (PCN) and other health workers association? Are these professions under the NMA? When will these doctors know that lives are more important than any other thing?
They’ve shown gross irresponsibility, fatuous ferocity and crass insolence. Leaving your responsibility as a life saver, all in the guise of helping the patient, you are now sentencing them to their early grave. Has it ever been told where the police force go on industrial action? No matter how corrupt a police force could be, their importance can never be downplayed. They are ‘essential workers’. They know their place.
They said pharmacists should not be called doctors. A pharmacist who graduated with a Bachelor in Pharmacy (Pham B) is not called a doctor, but those with a Pham D would be tagged doctors. They argued that Pham D would bring confusion to the hospital chain of command. Why have we not heard about the confusion in developed countries of the world were Pharm D certificates are also issued? This is nothing but a mere figment of their lustful imagination, driving them to a catastrophic, embarrassing and disappointing end.
Who are mostly affected by these actions? The poor. This is simply because most rich people have their personal doctors and can also afford the exorbitant fees of private hospitals owned by these same doctors who are on strike!
I began to ask myself whether our doctors are truly protectors of life as they claim, or merchants of death. I began to ask myself whether this group is humane or just a bunch of greedy wolves in sheep clothing. It’s really disheartening to know that the health and lives of the poor have been sold on the platform of individualism and overblown ego.
Indeed, strikes are anti-medical profession; this is because the ultimate job of the doctor is to care for the sick and save lives, even in its tiniest form. I have painstakingly read the grievances the doctors tendered for the recent strike. They are not just selfish, but a sign of myopic thinking. Let it be known that whatever you have sown, that you shall reap.
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