We heard a lot about this behemoth;
‘It had 12 courses’. ‘It was the hardest’. ‘You must read every day’. ‘You
would create more enemies’. ‘You may not remember to eat or brush or bath’.
Blah blah blah! All of those nonsense filled our ears. But thank God its holidays
now. No more nonsense.
But this semester was different.
It was different for Kosi. So also for Amarachi. Both gave reasons why it
wasn’t just another semester but a one filled with the proofs of a divine
power. It was really a semester of many reputations.
Its experience brought smiles and
grieve. Laughter and wailing. It brought difficulty with ease. To some, the
session brought them closer to their dreams. They could smell the title added
to their names; ‘Pharmacist This’ and ‘Pharmacist That’. They loved the
To others it drove them farther.
They feared they would fail. Hence they could hardly smile. They disowned
laughter and sent it on exile. They resorted to grief, loneliness and seclusion;
trying very hard to find hope in the quietude of their personality. Hence their
quietness was a cloak for their fear. They thought being quiet naturally
induces one with brilliance and intelligence. But they forgot Emeka, the ring
leader. His whisper is like thunder bolt. He comments to everyone; both to
students and lecturers alike. But he is good at what he does.
This semester has taught a lot of
lessons. To David, the black, the one that flocks around Fegor. Yes, that
David. The semester taught him a renowned phenomenon. According to him, “When
there is ink, there is hope”. That is, never stop writing. To him, the three
hours meant for examination was a moment for creativity. Adding that the
supreme commandment of passing any exams is; “Never submit a blank sheet”. What
else is the meaning of ‘attempt all question’?
We spent the nights in daytime.
That is, there was no difference between the AM and the PM. But sleep was a
common enemy. It created fear in some. Some shouted out of sleep; screaming
with the highest level of ‘scarity’ (If such word exist). But, could we
actually cheat sleep?
Many had their ears permanently
wired to pop music---shakiti bobo. They sacrificed wraps of chewing gums. Sachets
of coffee and Nescafe were not spared either, all in a bid to scare our slumber.
For some it worked. But for others? It was a shame. They had to resort to
In this semester, some rose to more
relevance; Benjamin and the psychedelic Courage. Others made new friends. A few
found love; Isaac and Sonia. Yes, that Isaac. Ehidiamen’s friend. The tall,
dark, handsome and square shouldered one. Yes that one. He found love. Only
those who read and meditate in the pharmacy library would notice. He found
Sonia; the library secretary. Hence I decided to start reading in the library.
I thought, since the library helped Isaac, it may also …
Lastly, the semester revealed the
intent of some colleagues; how bad their thoughts was toward us. The stomach of
some lecturers were not spared. We knew the ones that loved us and the ones
that pretended.
Now that exams are over, all we
have is hope. Hope and faith. One day, we will all have a beautiful prefix to
our name. That’s the picture that keeps us going. The pharmacist picture; when
we are going to be our lecturers colleagues. God help us all.
KALLIGRAPHY says ‘It is well’.
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