
Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Letter to Ochuko

My dear Ochuko, I am very sorry you ended up this way. You never concealed your feelings. You behaved like those uncircumcised male goats that flocked around my backyard and put their noses into the smelling buttocks of their female partners.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Mama Nkechi

Anytime I think of Papa Nkechi, I always weep on the inside. That man is passing through hell. He has been to several churches but all seemed not to have offered any significant help. They all required Mama Nkechi to be present before any solution could be offered. But she won’t just go!

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Premium on knowledge

‘Nigeria In Our Hands’ was an online forum created by Vincent Nwajiobi. The forum existed for several days and raised many solutions to some contemporary problems. These solutions would be shared on Kalligraphy. Do well to read through, it would worth your while.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Den of Thieves

King David in his reign as a king wanted to build an earthly house for God. We were told he had a mind that sounded thus; ‘how can I dwell in a well-decorated house and the Lord dwells in tents’? God forbade him from building the house but prophesied that his son following would build the house. Solomon, David’s son, built an earthly house for God. God’s temple was built and was used for many of the activities God wanted the Israelites to perform.