Today, we are the spiritual Israel, ‘a royal priest hood and a holy Nation’. 2 Corinthians 6:16 says “… ye are the temple of the living God…” Hence we do not go to a physical temple for sacrifices anymore. Since our physical body is now the temple of God, then our activities, any activity we carry out, is in one way or the other a sacrifice to God. It is either a sweet smelling or a foul smelling savor.
Matthew 21:13 says; “…My house shall be called the house of prayers but ye have made it a den of
These were the words of Jesus as He cleared the temple of loose men and women who had somehow derived satisfaction for the wrong use of the temple. Many churches today have somehow, either ignorantly or out of mischief, turned the house of God into an entertainment house where comedians are invited to perform. Many other excesses are done in some gatherings today that would be classified as unrighteousness. Trust me, if Jesus was to be here physically today, he would take a bulldozer to pull down some church buildings because they have lost their purpose and have turned their structure to a replica of a show room and cinema house.
In the above verse, Jesus referred to Solomon’s temple as a house of prayers. Hence, it is therefore not out of place to say the same for His current temple, which is our body. We are supposed to be praying Christians. Paul encouraged us to “Pray without ceasing”. This, of course, does not mean we should be seen moving our lips everywhere we go. No. Rather it meant that we should order our lives in such a way that we would get constant direction from God. If Prayer is communicating with God then when Christians are committed to constant communication with God, our body which is the temple of God, will be a house of prayer.
But Satan, as he did some 2000 years ago with Solomon’s temple, has currently stolen many human bodies for negative activities; activities that are not only leading to the downward slide of the quality of human existence but are also sins against God. Instead of being a house of prayer, some humans now use their bodies for many nefarious, unnecessary, and vain activities. Thereby making it a den of
wrong living; a den of thieves.
What are thieves?
Matthew 21:12 “And Jesus went into the temple and cast out all them that SOLD and BOUGHT in the temple and over threw the tables of the MONEY CHANGERS and the seats of them that SOLD DOVES.
The activities carried out here as the Bible puts it were ‘buying and selling’ and ‘money changing’. This is what we would rightly call legitimate businesses in contemporary times. The doves sold here were to be used in the temple for sacrifices. It provided convenience for those who needed to offer doves as a sacrifice. It was legitimate in some sense. These activities were activities that wouldn’t and shouldn’t be regarded as theft. But when you sell in the wrong place, it is stealing. It is stealing the place meant for God. When you sell at the wrong time, it is stealing. It is stealing the time meant for God.
Hence any person, activity, or occupation that occupy the time meant for God are thieves. It doesn’t matter if it’s your academics, your new job or your business. Whatever takes the time meant for God is a thief. A big one!
Know this; anything, whether negative or positive that takes God’s time is a thief.
Thieves do not only mean things that we consider out-rightly wrong. They can be legitimate as well. They can be flourishing and promising businesses, it can be a prosperous academic career that is encroaching into your prayer and church time. God is not telling you to quit that job. All he wants is for you is not to bring it into his temple! Don’t let your job or career take God’s place. That’s all. Remember, Jesus didn’t tell them to stop selling rather he told threw them out. Meaning; ‘take your business elsewhere and let us use this house for what it is meant for!’
Check your temple. What are you using it for? What have you turned God’s temple into? Do you use God’s time for your business? You are a thief and deserve a whip. This writer is not of the opinion that you shouldn’t go about your business. No! But never cheat your prayer time, time for service, and time for other spiritual activities for your business or school! If you do just that, it is stealing. And except you send them out, you are sure going to be whipped. As well, do not use God’s temple (your body) for fornication. If you do so, you are a thief, a big one. And sure do deserve a whip; a very serious whipping.
What is a whip?
A whip can be sickness. A whip can be a difficulty. A whip can be problems. A whip can be anything
that brings strain or stress to you as an individual. I am not also saying that all sicknesses, difficulties or problems are because of a wrong doing. No. But the point here is; that your sickness that has plagued you for years, that problem that seems to defile all your hours of prayers, that financial condition that has resisted all form of hard work, could actually be a whip. Hence a message like this is coming to you; check your temple right away. Send those thieves and robbers out!
In all, just remember that the reason why you are being whipped is not because God hates you, it is because he wants your temple to be clean. He wants you to remove the thieves and those activities that steal away your time. He wants you to give more time to prayers, more time to evangelism, more time to church activities, more time to visit the orphanage, more time to visit the sick and do other things we often classify as not very important.
God wants to use your temple. He wants to dwell in your body. He wants to fill you with power so he can through you, heal the sick and drive out demons. Read Matthew 21:14. It says, “And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple and he healed them”. That was right after he drove the thieves out of the temple. The healing of the lame and opening of the blind’s eye was only after the thieves were gone.

Send the thieves out. And don’t be afraid to declare Jesus at your place of work, your school or home. Stand for Jesus. Drive out those things that take your time and attention away from Him. Do so and He will reward you with joy unspeakable.
Remain blessed.
©Ezekiel Efeobhokhan
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