
Tuesday, 18 March 2014


                                      …STILL IN A HURRY?

I hurriedly left the house; this has been characterizing my exit from the house in recent times. I had decided to visit a friend the day before, but providence refused me went! I decided nothing would stop me from realizing my purpose this afternoon; now it was about to rain and from the look of things, the wind spoke expressly that it would be a heavy one. I defiled all the inspiration bidding me stop my journey.
John Wesley says “though I am always in haste, I am never in hurry”. Getting to the road, I jumped into a bus; STILL IN A HURRY! The only thing that happens when you are in a hurry is that; your body would be faster than your mind. If you would forget anything when you are in a hurry, it is going to be gravely important. I sat comfortably between a young guy and an ‘older’ female. I intentionally refused to exchange greetings with them because I thought I didn’t have the time. I looped them off. My journey was going on fine and smooth as if I was in my future dream car; Lamborghini Bugatti or my self-acclaimed Toyota highlander jeep, except for the fact that I was feeling the absence of an intricate part of the vehicle-- the shock absolver-- as I was lifting at every rising of the partially completed Benin/Lagos road.

Not until I heard the coarse voice of the conductor calling “money for front, money for back” I would still be in my dream paradise. My heart gave a big throb; the lady beside me would have heard the throb if not for the earphone she plugged to her ears. Immediately, as if it was reflexed, I dashed my hands to my wallet and behold it was found wanting. No wallet! Means no money! I had initially made a vow not to put cash anywhere except my wallet. A previous experience had made me pass that into law. The conductor and the passengers beside me noticed the change in my facial muscles. The bus had already gone too far, that I could not just come down without paying. I had no other option than to plead for funds, because, even if I was eventually taken to my destination free of charge, how I would return, would be the eighty naira question. How would I get money from these people I initially had no time to greet?

So there, the drama started: I began with the guy, because, I have this feeling that men are wealthier than any female at any time. “Good afternoon” I greeted, he replied nicely. “Please I need LITTLE money from you because I forgot my wallet in the house” I added. He bluntly told me he didn’t have. I received his reply in good faith. I then turned to the girl beside me, “good afternoon” I said with a ‘large’ smile. I could sense that she was shocked; maybe she taught I wanted to generate a discussion because of her complexion (she was brightly colored). Removing her ear piece she said ‘you said what?’ with a broader smile I stuttered, “good afternoon” and then she gave a shabby reply. With her tiny voice I figured that she was just a teenager but her size looked way different. I knew I had to get the money from her if not I should be ready to face the wrath of the conductor; who was already reporting me to the driver. I explained my situation to her and she ‘blessingly’ gave me 200 naira note. My smile was in the broadest form I could ever imagine. As I collected the money, the word “thank you” came profusely out of my mouth with great speed, frequency and emotion.
Annoyingly, I didn’t see my friend in the house. I had to enter the rain back home. Getting home, I saw my wallet on the table, as if saying; “I called at you when you were about to leave but you didn’t hear me”. I opened it hurriedly and behold there was no money in it! What? I then carefully checked the trousers I wore and behold the ever eluding 760 naira. What a mess, although my wallet was not with me but my money was! I was made to beg in the midst of abundance.
Will Durant said—“no man who is in a hurry is quite civilized”. Never be in haste because that it is the last thing you want to do! Who knows, you might forget to put on your shirt or trousers. Also, greet people immediately you enter a vehicle, you don’t know if your wallet had decided to take a day off without telling you. Make haste slowly!

Thursday, 13 March 2014


                                            HEAVEN & EARTH

‘Going to Heaven’ has always been a futuristic term said by almost all inhabitants of the earth (at least some few atheists abound); no one has applied that phrase in its past form before. I have not been there at any instance but I hope to be. This Earth is a very beautiful and interesting place to be, at least by now we all should have one or more exciting story to tell about our sojourn here on earth. I am not going to talk about hell which is suppose to be the opposite of heaven, because not every person believes that there is a place called hell! Well, I would quickly add, if there is a place as pleasurable as heaven where we would stay as Christians forever, then, don’t you think it won’t be out of place to have a place opposite of heaven where sinners would also stay forever? At least common sense should teach you that before we start opening the Bible.
Heaven as we humans feel, is a beautiful and heart warming place, giving us all sort of satisfaction we would desire! In the earth we find electronics and some amazing display of knowledge that would triple the most stamina type of mind. Man could make a very heavy object to fly and call it an airplane! A box filled with small circuits to view what’s happening around the world and call it a television. This television invention is a little above natural and tending towards witchcraft (this idea is strictly personal). Men could device a computer to read mind and tell when you are lying. Man could also make light which although are not as bright as the electric bulb but can be used to see the inside of a man; x ray. Man in all its earthly adventure has tried to make the earth a comfortable place. Without much stress and waste of time we could decide to use very chilled water or warm water within the shortest time.Our choice lies at our mercies! All these computerized type of living were devised by the cunning minds of mankind.
Advancing deep into technology, we find man making robots that can run errands, make coffee and all sort of light ingredient cookies which is an arrant display of intelligence; at least for now, it is the highest order of technology known to mankind.

God made man and breathe into him the breathe of life which is a fine display of fine art in its most glamorous form. When you see some men with their handsome look you could ever imagine how much time and resources man would spend in bringing such a figure to reality; not to mention some ladies which are so radiant, that they are like love portions served in its most potent state. What a creator! What form of miracle would it be for the lifeless work of dust to move and speak; this again beats all sensible imagination, man in all its sense of sensibility even joined by dark forces cannot make an initially lifeless body move. What a significance display of eternal knowledge as God said “let there be light, day, plants and animals” and all these things appeared. This is way more than the earthly sound sensor man has devised. We are all familiar with Moses and the children of Israel when they were in need of water. It was above science, for water to emanate from a rock. The miracle of Elijah running ahead of Ahab’s chariot also beat all available technology on locomotion. Amongst many miracles of our savior, I draw reference from this; ‘turning water into wine’; this is one of the fastest brewery since man’s existence.
Man is trying to create a paradise out of this earth but evidence abound that God in His wisdom and understanding made heaven a more gorgeous paradise than the earth would ever think of attaining; man has not and will never beat the science of the bible which is at least 2000 years old. This simply imply that “man has not seen what God has kept in store for him in heaven”
As beautiful as heaven is, salvation is the only gate pass unlike this earth that money is the only means of a comfortable living! If nothing else; let your curiosity make you get to heaven so you see the things God has prepared for you. There is a purpose in our having existence here. every moment is laden with weighty responsibility. The greatest responsibility of all is to seek first the kingdom of God. Heaven is a holy place. The road that leads there is ‘THE WAY OF HOLINESS’. And to enter and enjoy its eternal felicities we must be free from sin, for no sin can enter there.  
The present life moulds our future and eternal destiny hence
Simple! Just repent!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


                                                   LIKE THE CHURCH
The word ‘Like’-- as an adjective -- means ‘nearly the same thing’, resembling the original! One thing is sure that when the word‘like’ is used to describe a thing, it is not the original, that is, it is not the owner of such characteristics or domain, meaning something else is it’s to say.Also when something is ‘like’ a thing, it is not the original, it is another, but this time a resemblance. For example when I say, I am like you; it does not mean that I am you, but that I have some features that are original to you. So I am done with the word ‘like’.
The other word that is attached to the topic is the word ‘THE’. It is a definite pronoun, signifying singularity. ‘The’ is used as a functional word before a noun (as the case may be) that designate natural phenomenon or point of compass. This simply means that ‘the’ is used for a standard. For example when I say, a boy, I could mean any boy, but when I say ‘the boy’, you could sense that I am talking to a particular person who at that particular time,both of us know of.
The next word on the line is ‘Church’, which means“a called out sect”,“a selected people”.
It is of no doubt that the Christians of the bible were referred to, as the Church of God. Act 20:28 and many other scriptures explain this fact. The name does not make you God’s Church but at the same time God’s Church has a name! Which is the Church of God (according to the scripture above) All other ‘man named’ churches are qualifying the ‘Church of God’ for what it is and hence are not absolute.
The ‘Church of God’ is an assembly that are of God, they are witnesses of Jehovah (God). They have the faith of the apostles; they live a deep life in God. All denominations seem to bear patchable similarities with the ‘Church of God’ but they are not. Some of the teachings of the Church are; ‘the Church of God do not clap and dance as a pattern of worship’ but we do worship and praise God, ‘they don’t speak in balderdash as some do and call it tongues’ but we do belief in the gift of tongues, ‘they don’t dress like harlots and say it doesn’t matter as some do’ but we do put on modest apparel, ‘they don’t take the titles of Christ as some do and say it doesn’t matter’, rather we call ourselves brethren as the bible says ‘but ye all are brethren’. (Matthew 23:8). Example of such titles are; ‘Arch bishop, Chief shepherd, General overseer’. Which Christ was expressly called in 1st peter 5:4. ‘They don’t belief in millennial reign on earth, because it has no base in the bible, it is among ‘men feeble’ the bible told us to beware of, but we do belief Christ is coming once and for all—to judge the world’ (Acts 17:31). For more of the doctrines of the Church I would refer you to the book ‘TRUTH VS ERROR’.
Then one would inquisitively ask where do all these names and doctrines come from? They are nothing else but to mark the division of Christendom by their supposed founders because of their selfish interest and subtle craftiness in order to pull men unto themselves. They all because of pride don’t want to abide in humility under God’s authority but then carved out their own name. To be known of men are they come out! What else is the mark of the beast? If not these unholy breakaway and renaming in order to mark their members from others. They have all ignorantly received the mark, waiting blindly for their canal illusion of ‘the terrible antichrist’
Denominations are another breed of Satan’s deception of division among Christians. Satan is now almost a minister of light says the bible. How else is that scripture fulfilled?If it is not in‘denominationalism’. Satan does not bring all lies to you but he brings six truths and one lie.Some would say one denomination is better than some, well I would like to put this to them that errors and falsehood are unclassified. If you are away from the truth, you are away whether one step or ten miles. Truth is truth and error is error. Their doctrines they teach all veer off at a tangent at some particular point. There is a line for the doctrines of the bible when that line is drawn and you are not found on it you are false!Someone may want to ask --who are these denominations? Common sense would give you the answer that a denomination is any church that is not the CHURCH OF GOD. The doctrines of the Church of God are of the bible. Hence when doctrines come to play the bible should be our only reference.
The same spirit inspired you to open your denominationafter some time that same spirit would inspire one of your co-pastors to go and open his ministry at the expense of your members(some would definitely break out with him), Who is deceiving who? How does that sound! Is God divided? How will God, tell you to open your ministry and then after some time, will then tell your co-pastor (or any member of the church) to open another church at the expense of the members. Surely that is not the kind of God I serve. This is how every denomination filled the nooks and cranny of this planet. They all breakaway for one reason or the other! After all, no so called ‘general overseer’brought out his own church from birth! They all attended a particular church until they broke away! What a pity. And then you still comment that God is in their midst? Surely I can attest to you that it is either God has left the former pastor and now with the new pastor or vice versa.
It is glaring at least though for those that are not blind, that when Satan gives ‘them’ illusions to belief; they say they are hearing from God. ‘Satan is now transforming to an angel of light’—remember that!With this ‘I would infer that God is not in any two denominations at the same time’!!! Surprised?This is as simple as ABC. Simply because; God is not the author of confusion, check out the prayer of Jesus on john 17. He prayed for unity. And the last time I checked I don’t agree with your doctrine and you don’t agree with mine. So it is either I am correct or you are wrong or vice versa. Also from my observation; no two denomination have the same doctrine. Hence no two denominations agree in doctrine though they may want to prove otherwise but time will bring their differences out.
If the above assertion is true and God is not of division then God is not in any two denominations that is if, He is in any at all. Some denomination would want to prove that doctrines do not matter. That I would strongly disagree because the only thing that makes a person a catholic is what he or she belief teach and practice! And all denomination has the teachings of their pastors that tend to differentiate them from other churches and so they teach and practice such.Many people are deceived that, all churches are the same. That is a lie from the pit of hell. Don’t be deceive God is not in their midst or better put ‘whatever is in their midst is not God’.
Let me quickly add that, there are Christians in these denominations after all someone can be sincerely wrong, that is, doing what you don’t know is wrong, these are to answer God’s call of ‘come out of her lest you be partakers of her sin’(Revelation 18:4).Open your eyes to the truth and be wise enough to make wise decisions.
If you are presently in the Church of God because of your parents, relatives or friends, your grip is not strong enough because these false preachers are looking for people like you to prey on. You have to get clarified about the teachings of the church and have your root. If not you are likely to be affected by the phrase ‘like the church’, and then you become gullible!The church of God was not something I accepted because of my Dad or Mom but I queried a lot of doctrines, asked questions, arguments, discussions at times strife arose before I could understand that there is but one church. Take the doctrines of the church one after the other, study it at your pace and go through them, ask questions and be well grounded on the doctrines of the Church of God. Seek wisdom and you will get understanding. Know the truth if not lies will appeal to your emotions. Don’t mistake the Spirit of God with ‘fellowship’, for even the Muslims have that‘fellowship’ among themselves that is why they love themselves.


Nigeria has become very unpopular
with its spate of economic crises it has experienced in recent times. It has
come to the point that our economy if synonymous with the “human body” would be
hospitalized in the emergency ward. The various steps a medical doctor would
take to resuscitate a patient with a chronic heart disease “not brain” would be
the same step "an economist" would take to revive the Nigerian
economy. Not brain because the brains are there to point us in the right step
to take in developing the economy, it is the heart because the strength and
vigor of pumping the economy with strategic implementation is lacking on an
average scale. The government hands are on the pulse of the economy so it
depends on the way they “play the card that’s how they will be scored”. It is
of utmost joy that I have the opportunity to have the responsibility to
“prescribe” the right "drug" for the ailing Nigerian capital market
and corporate governance system.
 Corporate governance is the principles and
values that guide a company in the conduct of its day- to- day business and how
stake holders interrelate with one another. There has been increased interest
in corporate governance practices globally and its clamor has become even louder
given the high profile collapses of a number firms. Corporate governance is
relatively a new concept in Nigeria, and despite all effort by stake holders to
build sound corporate governance practices, Nigeria has almost constantly fared
poorly in this regard. Many factors lead to the increased interest in corporate
governance since poor corporate governance was telling its toll on the economy.
Also noticed was how the lack of an effective corporate governance system in
Nigeria has been exploited by senior management of companies at the expense of
other stakeholders. More staggering is the recently unveiling of bad corporate
governance practices by senior managements of bank. Inadequacy in the
implementation of corporate governance principles in Nigeria; is one of the
problems faced in this sector. As it has often been said implementation has
been a major problem an average Nigerian leader suffers from. They are fond of
building castle in the air or rather building with “pen and paper” and most
rampantly “public speeches”, and lacking the fortitude of implementing these
objectives. If this attitude of “implementation nonchalance” and
"administrative redtapism" is removed from the corporate governance
sector, it will be a welcome development. Other steps include; Regulatory institutions in Nigeria should ensure that
companies apply sound corporate governance practices in their business operation.

governance practices.

The regulator, themselves, should be above board and
should lead by example at all time. They should be firm, fair, equitable and
transparent in their dealing. The regulator should encourage whistle blowing
system in companies. The whistle blowers should always be adequately protected.
Effective internal controls system should be encouraged to be put in place by
corporate organizations. All stakeholders interest should be protected at all
time, and encouraged to participate in the corporate governance process. There
should be regular structured training and attendance of seminars and workshop
for senior management in order to strengthen leadership quality. They should
also encourage efficient process and performance evaluation and reporting to
stakeholders. I believe with these prescriptions, the corporate governance
system should experience tremendous recovery.

      The Nigerian capital market has to imbibe a very
good principle and values in order to make remarkable recovery and giant
strides. The capital market is where medium and long term loan instrument are
bought and sold. The financial products or instrument on sale in the market are
stocks and shares company bonds and government bonds. It also had the
involvement of some financial institution among which are; the insurance
companies, mortgage banks, stock exchange market, investment trust and savings
banks. These financial institutions make up almost completely what an economy
should entail. Nigeria security and exchange commission is the apex institution
in the Nigeria capital market and serves as the regulatory authority. A key
division within the capital market is between the primary markets and the
secondary markets. In the primary markets, new stocks or bond issues are sold
to investors while in the secondary markets, existing securities are sold and
bought among investors. The operator of the primary market are the commercial
banks, merchant banks, development banks, mortgage banks, national social
insurance trust fund, insurance, while the operators of the secondary market
are the Nigerian stock exchange and the securities and exchange commission. So
categorically in developing any of these sectors the capital market should be
seen putting on a smiling face and then recovering fast from a “chronic heart
failure”. Due to limited words the insurance in the primary market and the
stock exchange in the secondary market will be discussed.
The fear of the unknown they say makes
man a careful being; after all there is a thin line between precaution and
fear. On the light of this the insurance company came about. The insurance
companies exist based on the fact that the human person and his property are
subject to risk. The average business man is afraid of various degree of risk
ranging from theft, fire and liquidation. The insurance company holds the
responsibility of making the local business people knows the benefits they
(insurance companies) offer. The insurance is a stool for proper and stable
economic activities. Bringing the insurance to a communal level, that is,
making it available for the common business person; can help most Nigerians who
are afraid of investment partake in various principles of insurance. The trust
on the insurance companies should also be increased with various mouth watery
packages that would interest the common man. Another giant stride in the
insurance sector is for the government to make insurance friendly policies that
would generate more insurance company making it competitive like the banking sector.
The implication of this is that, when there is more insurance there is
competition and then more individuals will be encouraged almost involuntarily
to go into the production process, which when profits are made, there will be
more savings, thereby creating more funds for the capital market, then the
capital market would channel these funds to those who can put them into long
term production use.
The stock exchange market is a
specialized market where stocks and shares, debentures and government bond
known as securities are traded, it is also an institutional arrangement where
the secondary market of the Nigerian capital market operates. The market arises
as an investment for businessmen. The shares are of limited liability
companies. Government bond is sold by the government to raise finance for
administration. A bond is a legal document which represents a promise to pay
back loans obtained through bond by the government. The stock exchange market
helps to mobilize private and public savings, making them available for
government and business organization. It then boils down to creating good and
conducive environment for industries to thrive in order for there to be more
funds available for the government and business organization, as also applied
to the insurance sector.
Furthermore, in addition to the
facts already stated, the Nigerian currency that is suffering from economic
shock should be taken out of coma by revaluing the naira, and making it more
valuable than it is now. With this act alone foreign investors will be
encouraged. Also Nigerians should be discouraged from investing abroad. Things that
scare investors should be addressed, examples of those things are; power
failure, security breaches, political instability, frequent fluctuation of the
value of the Nigeria currency and non-popularity of the stock exchange in
Nigeria. Also commercial banks should learn to give out loans with low interest
rate to encourage productivity which will lead to more savings. The tax paid by
infants industries should be reduced if possible removed for a certain period
to enable them to get stabilized, and for new ones to be generated. The
government should create industries and companies that are of rare product, and
later put them on sale after their products has been circulated and recognized
by the populace, that is, in the form of “tested and trusted” in order to
remove the fear of running into loss.
In conclusion, I have discussed how
greatly the insurance sector, the stock exchange market and the Commercial
banks can greatly affect the capital market; as stated before, depending on how
the government influences these sectors determines the result they would get.



When the strike started in July 2013 all hopes were high that the industrial action will soon been called off or would not take up to 30 days to be rescinded, but as soon as the newly forecasted date for the end of the strike was past, another date was quickly ‘prophesied’ making students and the entire society ‘infested’ with the spirit of divination. The Academic Staff Union would quickly say ‘We are not striking for our pocket’ as if they have all turned selfless and philanthropist overnight, ‘it is for the good of the student’ they would again add, as if the students which they all try to fail have now become ‘Joseph the beloved’. What hypocrisy. Because of this open deceit many gave ‘moral support’ to the strike to go on. Hence at the onset the strike enjoyed a little above average support from students, at least those who were not ready for their exams and also a large part of the society at least those who had grieve for the federal government. How else can subtlety and falsehood been shown by our seemingly selfless lecturers. Not until we heard of a whooping sum of 92 billion naira unpaid allowances we would still been living in the fool’s paradise that we are loved by our lecturers. How selfless indeed. I didn’t say they should not ask for increment of salary, no, ask for a billion as annual pay, who cares! But don’t allow your trouble to be ours! Why are you then called a professor if you can’t make your request and get it in simple dialogue, is it that they are no professor in psychology among the Academic staffs who can just ‘mind twist’ the Federal Government into implementing their demands? As brut as the students seem, they know how to siphon exorbitant amount from their parents; yet we are called ‘undergraduate’, what irony!
It was not long after that the federal government cried out that the academic staffs were asking for the national budget and reiterated that their demands were not possible to fulfill. Did they sign the agreement in duress? Well let’s leave that till later. Then the strike took a different turn. A large percentage of the students dropped their books and started searching for jobs. All roads to negotiation were blocked by pride. The question I asked was, how would the ‘Academic Staff Union of Universities’ ask demands that could amount to the national budget of so great a country as Nigeria, if not for arrant display of arrogance and pride. They hung this illogical action on ‘our deteriorating academic sector’ when compared to other schools, what else should they expect when they don’t come to class to lecture, sale of handout and material at exorbitant rate are the other of the day, and the only way you hear from the so called lecturers is only through your class representative; reciting the normal quote “he is not around”, or “he gave us this handout to buy” or the last stanza which says “he gave us this assignment”. Thereby making quarter baked graduates flood the country. You will be one of the lucky students on earth if your lecturers come to class to lecture.

I also heard some whims about infrastructural decay, what!!! Is the federal government the cause of the dilapidation or actually lack of maintenance! Or did the president and his cabinets ever come to class to use any of their lecture halls? Should the federal government help to maintain what you use? These people jeopardize the freedom of democracy and unionism! All the things they were asking for was just for the ‘more comfort in dishing out their lectures’ and yet they make the students felt they were the reason for the strike. How many lecturers lecture under the trees but many a student read under the tree, how many a lecturers office are congested up to 3 in an office but any student who could stay 5 in a room, is born with a standard golden spoon, how many lecturers are on salaries of below 80,000 per month but students are never more than 20,000 monthly, they scrabble for food, yet we must also find money to buy the so-called lecturers handout. We all see that this strike is just for the more comfort they can find! How many students is on scholarship today, the ratio should be 1 to 500 that is if I am not over approximating. Striking for students my foot! How are these problems faced by the Nigerian student going to be addressed? There was nothing like mandating all private companies, banks and other NGOs to give scholarship to at least 5 students. But it was all still the big amounts. All these are circles of corruption; our eyes will all be open when this money will be spent by these so called elite. I don’t see how the students benefited from it, it is still the student that would be rushed and forced to read up topics that were never taught in order to write exams set before the strike began. It is still the students who would struggle to pay its hostel fees, because the landlords off campus and ASUU have no connections, our sleeping time shortened in order to cover up, even our holidays would almost atrophy because they want to meet up with the private universities, which they know is like building castle in the air. The students are always in the receiving end as the proverb ‘when two elephants fight the grass suffers’, but how long are we going to be grasses to be trampled on? When are we going to be ‘trees’, ‘which would not sway to the direction of every wind that blows!’ yet we have the so called STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT whose sole responsibility and purpose of formation ‘was’ the welfare of the Nigerian students, but as soon as they are sworn in they are neck deep in embezzlement and scandals that they forget to fulfill even administrative responsibilities not to talk of ‘student’s welfare’.
The National Association of Nigeria Students NANS is ‘after use’ (okrika) of the federal government and the Academic Staffs! Students need to know that NANS is just there for our levies and dues. Nonsense!
The federal government is not spared in the saga and gross misconduct, the strike would have been nipped in the bud, as the executives of ASUU had said that they wrote 9 letters of reminder but all were snoozed. They knew what could have been done for lecturers to continue their work but didn’t. They knew the students who are on the receiving end could not bite. What is the work of the ministry of education, if they cannot oversee the affairs of our universities, they are supposed to take the demands of the Academic staffs to the federal government, and keep reminding the federal government of their agreement, but the advent of the strike shows that neither these were done nor done properly. They have proved themselves not useful in the academic sector hence they should be merged with the ministry of rural and urban development. Various committees were set up headed by various personnel to end up the strike but all to no avail. Until the president decided to meet them personally, just what he could have done immediately the strike commenced. One may want to ask, what those advisers and Personal Assistant are for, or what were they thinking for good 4months! Are their positions ceremonial? It is shameful that in a country where 48 billion dollar later drowned to 12 billion dollar could be missing without batting an eye that its academic sector remains in rot.
Yet I read the finance minister saying that the country could not survive if ASUU demands are met! I knew she was singing a lie! I could not just find how to prove her wrong! There was no way the demands of the Academic staffs would be up to 2 trillion naira including their paid allowances, yet a greater than 10 trillion is missen yet the country is still financially obese! If the country could survive, at least until now without the money being found, I also belief that when all that money is put into the academy sector alone, the country would survive, only this time we would know where it went.
It is annoying that the Nigerian students are not protected at all. Hence Nigerian youths are flooding the streets and schools of Ghana making Nigeria loose the little respect Ghana had for it!  I would advice the Student Union Government of various Universities to be linked with various Human rights organization where the cause and purpose of students can be properly taken care of.