The word ‘Like’-- as an adjective -- means ‘nearly the same thing’,
resembling the original! One thing is sure that when the word‘like’ is used to
describe a thing, it is not the original, that is, it is not the owner of such
characteristics or domain, meaning something else is it’s to say.Also
when something is ‘like’ a thing, it is not the original, it is another, but
this time a resemblance. For example when I say, I am like you; it does not
mean that I am you, but that I have some features that are original to you. So
I am done with the word ‘like’.
The other word that is attached to the topic is the word ‘THE’. It
is a definite pronoun, signifying singularity. ‘The’ is used as a functional
word before a noun (as the case may be) that designate natural phenomenon or
point of compass. This simply means that ‘the’ is used for a standard. For
example when I say, a boy, I could mean any boy, but when I say ‘the boy’, you
could sense that I am talking to a particular person who at that particular
time,both of us know of.
The next word on the line is ‘Church’, which means“a called out sect”,“a
selected people”.
It is of no doubt that the Christians of the bible were referred to,
as the Church of God. Act 20:28 and many other scriptures explain this fact.
The name does not make you God’s Church but at the same time God’s Church has a
name! Which is the Church of God (according to the scripture above) All other
‘man named’ churches are qualifying the ‘Church of God’ for what it is and
hence are not absolute.
The ‘Church of God’ is an assembly that are of God, they are
witnesses of Jehovah (God). They have the faith of the apostles; they live a
deep life in God. All denominations seem to bear patchable similarities with
the ‘Church of God’ but they are not. Some of the teachings of the Church are;
‘the Church of God do not clap and dance as a pattern of worship’ but we do
worship and praise God, ‘they don’t speak in balderdash as some do and call it
tongues’ but we do belief in the gift of tongues, ‘they don’t dress like
harlots and say it doesn’t matter as some do’ but we do put on modest apparel,
‘they don’t take the titles of Christ as some do and say it doesn’t matter’,
rather we call ourselves brethren as the bible says ‘but ye all are brethren’.
(Matthew 23:8). Example of such titles are; ‘Arch bishop, Chief shepherd,
General overseer’. Which Christ was expressly called in 1st peter
5:4. ‘They don’t belief in millennial reign on earth, because it has no base in
the bible, it is among ‘men feeble’ the bible told us to beware of, but we do
belief Christ is coming once and for all—to judge the world’ (Acts 17:31). For
more of the doctrines of the Church I would refer you to the book ‘TRUTH VS ERROR’.
Then one would inquisitively ask where do all these names and doctrines
come from? They are nothing else but to mark the division of Christendom by their
supposed founders because of their selfish interest and subtle craftiness in
order to pull men unto themselves. They all because of pride don’t want to
abide in humility under God’s authority but then carved out their own name. To
be known of men are they come out! What else is the mark of the beast? If not
these unholy breakaway and renaming in order to mark their members from others.
They have all ignorantly received the mark, waiting blindly for their canal
illusion of ‘the terrible antichrist’
Denominations are another breed of Satan’s deception of division
among Christians. Satan is now almost a minister of light says the bible. How
else is that scripture fulfilled?If it is not in‘denominationalism’. Satan does
not bring all lies to you but he brings six truths and one lie.Some would say
one denomination is better than some, well I would like to put this to them
that errors and falsehood are unclassified. If you are away from the truth, you
are away whether one step or ten miles. Truth is truth and error is error.
Their doctrines they teach all veer off at a tangent at some particular point.
There is a line for the doctrines of the bible when that line is drawn and you
are not found on it you are false!Someone may want to ask --who are these
denominations? Common sense would give you the answer that a denomination is
any church that is not the CHURCH OF GOD. The doctrines of the Church of God
are of the bible. Hence when doctrines come to play the bible should be our
only reference.
The same spirit inspired you to open your denominationafter
some time that same spirit would inspire one of your co-pastors to go and open
his ministry at the expense of your members(some would definitely break out
with him), Who is deceiving who? How does that sound! Is God divided? How will
God, tell you to open your ministry and then after some time, will then tell
your co-pastor (or any member of the church) to open another church at the
expense of the members. Surely that is not the kind of God I serve. This is how
every denomination filled the nooks and cranny of this planet.
They all breakaway for one reason or the other! After all, no so called ‘general
overseer’brought out his own church from birth! They all attended a
particular church until they broke away! What a pity. And then you still
comment that God is in their midst? Surely I can attest to you that it is either
God has left the former pastor and now with the new pastor or vice versa.
It is glaring at least though for those that are not
blind, that when Satan gives ‘them’ illusions to belief; they say they are
hearing from God. ‘Satan is now transforming to an angel of light’—remember
that!With this ‘I would infer that God is not in any two denominations at the
same time’!!! Surprised?This is as simple as ABC. Simply because; God is not
the author of confusion, check out the prayer of Jesus on john 17. He prayed
for unity. And the last time I checked I don’t agree with your doctrine and you
don’t agree with mine. So it is either I am correct or you are wrong or vice
versa. Also from my observation; no two denomination have the same doctrine.
Hence no two denominations agree in doctrine though they may want to prove
otherwise but time will bring their differences out.
If the above assertion is true and God is not of division then God
is not in any two denominations that is if, He is in any at all. Some
denomination would want to prove that doctrines do not matter. That I would
strongly disagree because the only thing that makes a person a catholic is what
he or she belief teach and practice! And all denomination has the teachings of
their pastors that tend to differentiate them from other churches and so they
teach and practice such.Many people are deceived that, all churches are the
same. That is a lie from the pit of hell. Don’t be deceive God is not in their
midst or better put ‘whatever is in their
midst is not God’.
Let me quickly add that, there are Christians in these denominations
after all someone can be sincerely wrong, that is, doing what you don’t know is
wrong, these are to answer God’s call of ‘come out of her lest you be partakers
of her sin’(Revelation 18:4).Open your eyes to the truth and be wise enough to
make wise decisions.
If you are presently in the Church of God because of your parents,
relatives or friends, your grip is not strong enough because these false
preachers are looking for people like you to prey on. You have to get clarified
about the teachings of the church and have your root. If not you are likely to
be affected by the phrase ‘like the church’, and then you become gullible!The
church of God was not something I accepted because of my Dad or Mom but I
queried a lot of doctrines, asked questions, arguments, discussions at times
strife arose before I could understand that there is but one church. Take the
doctrines of the church one after the other, study it at your pace and go
through them, ask questions and be well grounded on the doctrines of the Church
of God. Seek wisdom and you will get understanding. Know the truth if not lies
will appeal to your emotions. Don’t mistake the Spirit of God with ‘fellowship’,
for even the Muslims have that‘fellowship’ among themselves that is why they
love themselves.
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