‘Going to Heaven’ has always been a futuristic term said by almost all inhabitants of the earth (at least some few atheists abound); no one has applied that phrase in its past form before. I have not been there at any instance but I hope to be. This Earth is a very beautiful and interesting place to be, at least by now we all should have one or more exciting story to tell about our sojourn here on earth. I am not going to talk about hell which is suppose to be the opposite of heaven, because not every person believes that there is a place called hell! Well, I would quickly add, if there is a place as pleasurable as heaven where we would stay as Christians forever, then, don’t you think it won’t be out of place to have a place opposite of heaven where sinners would also stay forever? At least common sense should teach you that before we start opening the Bible.
Heaven as we humans feel, is a beautiful and heart warming place, giving us all sort of satisfaction we would desire! In the earth we find electronics and some amazing display of knowledge that would triple the most stamina type of mind. Man could make a very heavy object to fly and call it an airplane! A box filled with small circuits to view what’s happening around the world and call it a television. This television invention is a little above natural and tending towards witchcraft (this idea is strictly personal). Men could device a computer to read mind and tell when you are lying. Man could also make light which although are not as bright as the electric bulb but can be used to see the inside of a man; x ray. Man in all its earthly adventure has tried to make the earth a comfortable place. Without much stress and waste of time we could decide to use very chilled water or warm water within the shortest time.Our choice lies at our mercies! All these computerized type of living were devised by the cunning minds of mankind.
Advancing deep into technology, we find man making robots that can run errands, make coffee and all sort of light ingredient cookies which is an arrant display of intelligence; at least for now, it is the highest order of technology known to mankind.
God made man and breathe into him the breathe of life which is a fine display of fine art in its most glamorous form. When you see some men with their handsome look you could ever imagine how much time and resources man would spend in bringing such a figure to reality; not to mention some ladies which are so radiant, that they are like love portions served in its most potent state. What a creator! What form of miracle would it be for the lifeless work of dust to move and speak; this again beats all sensible imagination, man in all its sense of sensibility even joined by dark forces cannot make an initially lifeless body move. What a significance display of eternal knowledge as God said “let there be light, day, plants and animals” and all these things appeared. This is way more than the earthly sound sensor man has devised. We are all familiar with Moses and the children of Israel when they were in need of water. It was above science, for water to emanate from a rock. The miracle of Elijah running ahead of Ahab’s chariot also beat all available technology on locomotion. Amongst many miracles of our savior, I draw reference from this; ‘turning water into wine’; this is one of the fastest brewery since man’s existence.
Man is trying to create a paradise out of this earth but evidence abound that God in His wisdom and understanding made heaven a more gorgeous paradise than the earth would ever think of attaining; man has not and will never beat the science of the bible which is at least 2000 years old. This simply imply that “man has not seen what God has kept in store for him in heaven”
As beautiful as heaven is, salvation is the only gate pass unlike this earth that money is the only means of a comfortable living! If nothing else; let your curiosity make you get to heaven so you see the things God has prepared for you. There is a purpose in our having existence here. every moment is laden with weighty responsibility. The greatest responsibility of all is to seek first the kingdom of God. Heaven is a holy place. The road that leads there is ‘THE WAY OF HOLINESS’. And to enter and enjoy its eternal felicities we must be free from sin, for no sin can enter there.
The present life moulds our future and eternal destiny hence
Simple! Just repent!
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